Genesis of sandstone-derived soils in the Cerrado of the Piauí State, Brazil
This study characterized the morphological, physical and chemical attributes of sandstone-derived soils at the Cerrado of the Piauí State, Brazil, in order to identify evolutionary standards. The study was carried out with five representative soil profiles identified as P1-RY (Typical Flavic Psychotic Neosol - Aquents), P2-PA (Typical Dystrophic Yellow Argisol - Alfisol), P3-RL (Fragmentary Litholic Distrophic Neosol - Psammenit), P4-RQ (Typical Ortic Quartzenetic Neosol - Orthents) and P5-PV (Typical Dystrophic Red Argisol - Ultisol). Soil samples were submitted laboratory analysis described morphologically. In general, the soils presented high sand content, low pH, low content of exchangeable bases and low cation exchange capacity (CEC). Organic matter governed the CEC in most cases, suggesting dependence of organic matter in the supply of charges. These soils showed a low degree of weathering, but with iron of high crystallinity. Thus, the relief and the parent material are the major important soil-forming factors at the Cerrado of the Piauí State. Moreover, these soils are young, with the soils from the Piauí Formation being more evolved. However, the sandstones from the Canindé Group apparently are providing lithological secondary minerals for the soil.
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