Revista Ambiente e Água

DOI: 10.4136/1980-993X

ISSN: 1980-993X

Last Edition

V19 (2024)


Next edition:

Volume 20



Artigos Publicados/Papers:

Painel de Avaliadores
Panel of Reviewers

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Submission and Publication Fees

Since August 1st, 2020, we have been charging a submission fee of US $15 that will not be refunded in any event. The payment of this fee from abroad (i.e. outside Brazil) can only be paid by PayPal using the currency of your country and any major Credit Card by clicking here:

In addition to the submission fee, if the article is accepted for publication a fee of U$20 (twenty US dollars) per page will be charged, counted after the final version of the article in journal final layout for publication. To be approved for publication, the manuscript must have at least nine pages.

If you have been communicated that your article has been accepted for publication, the journal administration will send you a message of the correct amount of the publication fee to be paid via PayPal.

Payment by authors in Brazil

If you are paying in Brazil, and don’t want to pay using PayPal, you can pay by Bank Money Transfer, direct deposit or DOC to Santander Bank:
Bank: 033, Agency: 0056, Account Number: 13-003991-9.
Em nome de: Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas (IPABHi)
CNPJ: 08.583.615/0001-08; Insc. Mun.: 50.815/07; Insc. Est.: 688.269.140.110

Please be advised that payments made in Brazil must be in Real and values are:
Submission = R$ 80,00 (not refundable); publication R$ 110,00 per page.

Please note that in order to have your submission processed, if you are not paying by PayPal, you have to upload a receipt of the bank transaction as a “Supplementary Document” in the Journal’s system and fill the following form Click here.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Publicar artigos científicos originais que contribuam para ampliar o conhecimento na área interdisciplinar relacionada a Ciências Ambientais e Recursos Hídricos.

To publish original scientific articles that contribute to increase the knowledge in the interdisciplinary field related to Environmental Sciences and Water Resources.

Publicar artículos científicos originales que contribuyan al conocimiento en el campo interdisciplinario relacionado con las Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Hídricos.

Editoração: Apoio: Filiada à ABEC: