About the Journal

Basic Information

Ambiente & Água - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science (AMBIAGUA) is a journal edited by the Institute for Environmental Research in Hydrographic Basins (IPABHi) that publishes original articles which contribute to the advancement of Environmental Sciences and Water Resources. The journal began in 2006 and published an edition every four months until December 31st, 2013). Between 2014 and 2022 issues were published every two months, but on January 2023 the journal adopted a continuous publication model in volumes.

Its abbreviated title is Rev. Ambient. Água, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references.

Indexed in

  • Academia.edu
  • Agriculture Network Information Center - AgNIC
  • AGRICOLA: US National Agricultural Library
  • CAB Abstracts
  • Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
  • CIT - Actualidad Iberoamericana
  • CrossRef: citation-linking network
  • Directory of Abstract Indexing for Journals (DAIJ)
  • Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • Environment Complete
  • National Agricultural Library (NAL/USDA)
  • OAIster
  • Open Journal Systems - Public Knowledge Project
  • Periódicos CAPES
  • ProQuest
  • ROAD
  • RULA Ryerson University Library & Archives
  • SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • Sumários.org
  • The Keepers
  • WorldCat

Intellectual Property

All of the content of the journal, unless otherwise indicated, is protected under a Creative Common License, type BY.

Scope and Policy

AMBIAGUA now publishes papers only in English. It accepts submissions of unpublished manuscripts in the interdisciplinary scientific thematic areas related to Environmental Sciences, Water Resources, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Environmental and Sanitation Engineering, Forest Engineering and Forest Resources, Ecology, Aquiculture, Oceanology and Fishing Resources, Agronomy, Agrometeorology and Agricultural Engineering, Global Change, Fishing Engineering, Environmental Zootechny, Geography, Geology, Remote Sensing, Geoinformation, and Spatial Analysis related to Water or Environmental Sciences.

Review articles can be accepted if they include substantial critical analysis of recent relevant topics.
Beginning on January 2017, all submissions must be in English and an issue will be published every other month.
Starting on January 2018, the journal adopted a continuous publication model.

Manuscripts should be original and submitted exclusively to AMBIAGUA (Revista Ambiente & Água - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science).

APCs charges are required as instructed in https://www.ambi-agua.net/splash-seer/?access=fees.
The Journal adopts iThenticate system for plagiarism identification.

Ethics Statement
The authors must comply with ethics guidelines determined by the Integrity Commission of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) available at "http://www.cnpq.br/web/guest/diretrizes/". By submitting a manuscript to Revista Ambiente & Agua all authors declare that the ethics criteria in the research were respected and the research was conducted according to the ethical standards and approved by an ethics committee.

Copyright Notice
Authors maintain the copyrights for their work. However, they grant rights of first publication to Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science. In compensation, the journal can transfer the copyrights, allowing non-commercial use of the article including the right of sending the article to other data bases or publication media. The journal uses the CC BY 4.0 license.

Acceptance of Preprint
A preprint is defined as a manuscript ready for submission to a journal that is deposited on trusted preprint servers (a preprint repository that adopts the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles (FAIRsharing.org), before or in parallel with submission to a journal. The corresponding author must indicate in the Cover Letter that the manuscript has been uploaded to a preprint server and inform its DOI number. In case of acceptance and publication of the article in Revista Ambiente & Água, the authors must update the registration status on the preprint server and inform the complete reference of the publication in our journal.

AMBIAGUA Peer Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by the editor to verify whether or not its content falls within the focus of the journal and if it was prepared in accordance with outstanding instructions. The editor may reject the manuscript if it lacks adherence to the instructions, inappropriate textual description, scientific misconduct, or if the manuscript has insufficient scientific or technological merit. Only articles with potential international interest or with significant social importance will proceed for peer evaluation. Once this process is completed, the editor may send the article to one or two members of the Editorial Committee, so that they can recommend at least two peer reviewers for further evaluation. The reviewers will be scientists who work in areas closely related to the subject area of the manuscript and will therefore be fully qualified to evaluate the manuscript and to recommend acceptance or rejection. In many cases, they will suggest improvements in order to make the manuscript acceptable for publication. The reviewers will receive the manuscript along with instructions concerning the review procedure and an evaluation form where they may write their comments and recommendations on the acceptance, correction or rejection of the manuscript. The authors of the submissions are not identified to the reviewers, or the reviewers to the authors. The exception to this rule will occur when the authors choose to submit a manuscript previously deposited on a Preprint server, in this case the authors will not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers will be able to access the information of the authors in the Preprint portal.

The reviewers will strictly consider all suggested criteria in the evaluation form and will examine the quality and correctness of the manuscript.

Upon receiving the reviewers' recommendations, the editor has several options. He may accept the article with small changes and, accordingly, return the work to the authors with a list of the corrections to be implemented. Otherwise, he may opt to send the edited version of the manuscript back to the reviewers of the article. Reviewers may also ask to see the manuscript after the author's implementation of his/her suggestions.

When the final acceptable version of the manuscript is received by the editor, he will confirm its acceptance to all authors. Concurrently, all authors will receive proofs to be returned electronically within 48 hours by the corresponding author. When the corresponding author returns the final corrections, he implicitly authorizes the publication in name of all authors and attests that the manuscript has not been previously published.

Editing mistakes, references mentioned in the text that don't appear in the reference list and small discrepancies between the English and Portuguese abstracts are examples of small changes. When larger modifications are required, the editor will return the article with a list of suggestions that the corresponding author should implement before the manuscript may be considered. Examples of larger modifications include data analysis using statistical proofs, substantial revision of tables and figures, repetition of experiments, or substantial changes in the text language.

In the case of rejection after peer revision, the editor may inform the authors the reasons for rejection. In general, the reasons for rejection involve inappropriate content of the article for this journal, serious violations in the publication structure, and manuscripts without scientific or technological merit. Immediate rejection by the Editor will be mostly based on lack of international interest or low social impact and poor language and lack of adherence to instructions.

Manuscripts that have been published in proceedings of symposia, conferences, etc., as well as translated articles from foreign journals, should not be submitted. Presentations at scientific meetings and publications of short abstracts only do not preclude submission.

The target audience of this scientific journal is the academic community of postgraduate courses, as well as of research institutions, especially those in Interdisciplinary Environmental and Water Resources Science.


The journal is funded by:
Institute for Environmental Research in Hydrographic Basis - IPABHi