Variation of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil fertirrigated with effluent of primary treatment of wastewater from swine

  • José Antonio Rodrigues de Souza UFV
  • Débora Astoni Moreira UFV
  • Paulo Afonso Ferreira UFV
  • Antonio Texeira Matos UFV
Keywords: chemical alterations, fertirrigation, wastewater


This study had the objective of evaluating the variation of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil fertirrigated with effluent of primary treatment of wastewater from swine. Tomatos of the variety Fanny TY were cultivated in lisymeters of drainage under protected environment and fertirrigated with filtered wastewater from swine (FWS) at different doses with and without application of additional fertilizer. The results showed that: increments in the FWS doses resulted in more abortion of phosphorus; in comparison to the initial conditions, there was increase in the concentration of available phosphorus, specially in the superficial layers; FWS addition resulted in increments in the nitrogen concentration in the superficial layers, while the chemical application of fertilizer resulted in larger displacement in the soil profile.

Author Biographies

José Antonio Rodrigues de Souza, UFV
Engenheiro Agrícola UFV, Mestre e Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola UFV, Pós-Doutorando Engenharia Agrícola UFV.
Débora Astoni Moreira, UFV
Bacharel em Química UFV, Mestre Agroquimica e Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola UFV, Pós-Doutoranda Engenharia Agrícola UFV.
Paulo Afonso Ferreira, UFV
Prof. Voluntário, DEA/UFV
Antonio Texeira Matos, UFV
Professor Associado, DEA/UFV