The use of artificial feed in Haliotis squamata farming in submerged cage culture system at Lae-Lae island, Makassar
This study investigated the use of a combined formula of artificial feed and fresh marine algae Gracilaria sp in a submerged cage culture system and its effect on Haliotis squamata relative growth and survival rates. The experiment was performed in Lae-Lae Island, Makassar from May to October 2016. The sample Abalone juvenile larvae were 1.5 cm in size and stocked at a density of 30 pcs/cage. The cage size was 30 cm x 15 cm x 7 cm and equipped with a 2-inch Paralone pipe. This experiment employed a completely random design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replicates. The applied treatment included the combination of artificial feed and fresh marine algae Gracilaria sp. Each treatment included: A. 25% artificial feed + 75% fresh marine algae, B. 50% artificial feed + 50% fresh marine algae, C. 75% artificial feed + 25% fresh marine algae, and was given at the proportion of 20% of the abalone's weight. The results of the study indicated that the use of a combined artificial feed with fresh marine algae (Gracilaria sp.) had no significant effect on relative growth and survival rates of Haliotis squamata. Although feed treatment did not significantly affect the relative growth and survival rate, descriptively, treatment A contributed to the most optimal relative growth and the survival rate compared to treatments B and C.
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